About Me, Alexa Shay

The Timeline of My Authorial Debut

I share this to show that writing and publishing a book can take any length of time. I originally came up with the idea for what would become The Shield in 2003. Do things at your own pace and in your own time.

  • 11/26/2017 - Successfully won my first (and last) NaNoWriMo competition by working on The Shield
  • 02/17/2021 - ​Began pushing out chapters of my book, The Shield, to my test readers
  • 05/17/2021 - ​Finished the first draft of The Shield
  • 01/13/2023 - Finished the second draft of The Shield and sent it to test readers for review
  • 02/27/2023 - Art by Karri finished the art for the The Shield's book cover
  • 10/29​/2023 - Manuscript of The Shield sent to beta readers through E&A Editing Services
  • 12/11/2023 - Mini manuscript edit submitted to Brittany at E&A Editing Services
  • 12/20/2023 - Received mini manuscript evaluation back from E&A Editing Services, began edits
  • 05/05/2024 - Manuscript submitted for a full developmental/copy edit by Brittany at E&A Editing Services
  • 06/06/2024 - Edited manuscript received back from ​Brittany at E&A Editing Services
  • 07/26/2024 - Blurb finalized with editing help from Enchanted Ink Publishing
  • 09/22/2024 - Total rebrand to only an author. Etsy and Zazzle shops were shut down
  • 10/07/2024 - Final manuscript sent to Enchanted Ink Publishing for formatting
  • 10/28/2024 - Formatted manuscript sent to the proofreader at E&A Editing Service
  • 11/11/2024 - Final edits from proofreader sent to the formatter at Enchanted Ink Publishing
  • 11/27/2024 - Submitted files to KDP and Ingramspark and ordered proofs
  • 12/30/2025 - ARCs became live on NetGalley
  • 01/04/2025 - Pre-orders for The Shield went live
  • 02/08/2025 - The Shield was published!